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AOC Proves Joe’s “A Man For All Seasons”?

Fox legal analyst & GW Prof Turley recently gave his take on “historical” Dem Party’s Turd Moment in the Hunter influence peddling hearing: The lies of his pops was exposed by reems of evidence yet scoffed at by two party hacks, er, deniers.


Wrote the good professor: “In the 1966 movie “A Man for All Seasons,” Sir Thomas More faces Richard Rich, an ambitious office seeker who would ultimately lie & betray him. In this British historical drama, More warns Rich that ‘when a man takes an oath, he’s holding his own self in his own hands like water, and if he opens his fingers then, he needn’t hope to find himself again.’ [Well] Democrats appear to have finally drained away what remained of themselves & their party. For years, Democratic members & the media have demanded any evidence of the direct involvement or knowledge of President Joe Biden of the influence-peddling operation of his son, Hunter, and his brothers, James & Frank. In the hearing, witnesses testified under oath about specific meetings with Joe Biden discussing these foreign dealings & the family business interests. Bank records were introduced showing the transfers of millions going to Hunter & various Biden family members. [Yet] faced with the evidence that the president lied about his lack of any knowledge or involvement in the influence peddling, the Democrats opened their fingers wider.”


That is, during the hearing, Prof Turley suggests, Dem Reps Goldman & AOC made fools of themselves (and their president) by churlishly asking dumb, leading questions that AIDED THE PROSECTION’S CASE rather than undermine it. Did these Dems ever hear the old lawyer saw that “YOU NEVER ASK A WITNESS A QUESTION IF THE ANSWER HELPS PROVE THE PROSECUTION’S CASE?”


Davd Soul


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