Are Woke Suburban Women Still Blind To Oldsmobile Joe’s Plagiarized Plan?
I was struck by Sarah Huckabee Sander’s comments yesterday on a Fox News show suggesting “suburban women [who are currently telling pollsters they will vote for Joe Biden] will ultimately vote for the President when they get in the voting booth.” Why? Because, the ex-WH Press Sec says they’ll realize “substance rather than rhetoric matters to them.”
I dunno. Today’s “woke” suburban women are not always your grandmother’s Oldsmobile. Many are now transplants from the Big Blue Cities who are too dim to remember why they fled the Democratic-run chaos. Was it not because of stupid local socialist policies like Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are promising to “transform America”?
All one need do to be skeptical of Ms. Sanders optimism is look at the majority of suburban women who still support abortion of other peoples' kids on demand. They are the same minions who spread fear into their locked down schools so that poor, working mothers in the inner cities can’t homeschool their kids (or hire a tutor) like the wealthier suburbanites who still have a telecommute job(s). Nor are the woke privileged ones worried about Biden’s Military Industrial Complex pals who send the inner city kids in droves to endless wars. Will our suburban women in the final days of the 2020 campaign wake up & realize Joe is all blow, has no plan other than to again lockdown the economy as some doctor said he must, copy Trump’s already in place Operation Warp Speed to deal with the Chinavirus & install the crazy AOC-Harris Green New Deal that will bankrupt America? We’ll find out how smart they really are in 13 days. Good luck, huh?
Davd Soul
