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Art Anarchists Strike In Vienna

Twitter “skewers vandals” who threw black paint on famous painting in Vienna after similar vandalism occurs around the globe. Let’s cut to the chase: These are anarchists & their “cause” can’t justify such ugly stunts.

As Fox News reports, some posted they thought “jail isn’t good enough” for the eco-terrorists who “attempted to destroy [or simply trash] another art masterpiece in the name of saving the environment,” while one soul postured “They hate art and they hate humanity.” In this case, a video showed two “activists” approach [Gustav Klimt’s ‘Last Generation’] and one toss the black liquid across the face of the image. The activist who threw the liquid then turned to stunned observers and rattled off a speech on ending the use of fossil fuels. The other activist could be seen trying to glue themselves to the painting in an apparent attempt to make it harder for security to remove them.”

Recall how Van Gogh’s “Sunflower” in London had a can of Heinz Tomato soup poured over it by climate cowards, er, activists. Were they suggesting Campbell’s Tomato soup ain’t good enough pub for them? Or, that Warhol’s famous depiction of it doesn’t rate an oil overlay as well? As Fox notes, “Thankfully, these artworks have been covered by protective barriers preventing their destruction by these stunts.” The activists were too dumb to realize that, too?

Davd Soul


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