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As America Stinks So Goes College Ed?

If USA stinks as the lib college narrative insists, one wonders if they are cutting their own throats, as WSJ survey shows “Americans Are Losing Faith in College Education.” Maybe folks thinking colleges stink as much as next institution?

The survey results weren’t pretty. Especially alarming was that “Confidence in value of a degree plummeted among women & senior citizens during the pandemic.” Now, “a majority (56%) of Americans don’t think a college degree is worth the cost,” despite it’s having for decades been “a hallmark of the American Dream.” Then, again, what should anyone expect, when elitists in academia have made it clear EVERY institution in the country is a reflection of “white supremacy” and imbedded “racism”. So, why not the colleges?

“These findings are indeed sobering for all of us in higher education, and is some ways, a wake-up call,” said Ted Mitchell, president of the American Council on Education. “We need to do a better job at storytelling, but we need to improve our practice, that seems to me to be the only recipe I know of regaining public confidence.” Yo, Ted, how about “rather than doing a better job at storytelling (code word for “political propaganda), stop indoctrinating students with Wacko theories & go back to honestly evaluating history, culture & the liberal arts” so’s to prepare our kids to be happier, responsible citizens rather than neurotic doomsayers?

Davd Soul


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