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As Biden Plays With Fire, Xi Plays Biden Like Mandolin

It ain’t going so swell for Joe Biden after his “virtual” summit on Monday with China’s Xi Jinping, the Communist leader, who had called him “an old friend.” Ouch. One moon later, China issued a new round of threats against America, especially for even hinting at any resistance to its takeover of Taiwan. Biden blinked?

According to Fox News, China now claims Biden denounced “Taiwan independence” and reiterated US support for its one-China policy. But, if Joe or anyone else dares to backtrack on that “assurance”, they can count on “resolute measure” … there is no room for compromise.” In response, the WH conceded the president’s commitment to a one-China policy BUT added the US “strongly opposes” any move to alter the “status quo” in the region or “undermine peace & stability across the Taiwan Strait.” In other words, the summit accomplished nada.

Warned the PRC: The US is “playing with fire.” Or, is China masterfully playing POTUS like a mandolin?

Davd Soul


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