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As Inflation Rages Biden Butt Bucks Self

Govt stats say inflation “moderated [very] slightly” LAST month so Biden crows how his “policies” are fighting rising consumer prices BUT WSJ reminds THIS month’s prices for gas & food are soaring anew thanks to Joe’s you know what.

In fact, the editors conclude in “President Costanza Takes On Inflation”: “Biden lays out his plan on prices, but he’d do better if he did the opposite.” That is, if Joe took Jerry Seinfeld’s advice to George Costanza and did THE OPPOSITE of his announced “plan” to “boost subsidies [aka print then spend more money], raise taxes and increase regulation.” YET again, Biden said, if only Congress would pass his multi-trillion dollar Build Back Better albatross & instituting an ”unconstitutional” wealth tax have been long since debunked as fools’ gold. He said our 8% inflation is Putin’s fault, even though his own do nothing policy and idle threats may have done more than anything to encourage the Ukraine invasion? Then, he said it’s Covid’s fault, though Joe supposedly had a “plan” to snuff it out like a bug rolled up in a rug long ago?

No, Joe. As Harry said and you once told Donald Trump: “The buck stops here.”

Davd Soul

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