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As Putin Nukes Pipeline, EU Greens Nuke

Euros now bank on nuclear & fossil fuel as Russia halts gas pipeline to them & banks more $ than ever selling to others? If sanctions never brought Iran or DPRK to their knees what made Joe think Russia would bend a knee?

Here we go again. The WSJ headline predictably read, “Russia Halts Nord Stream Gas Pipeline [yet again], Ratcheting Up Pressure on Europe,” which is “racing to fill gas storage facilities before onset of winter.” In July, EU leaders already anticipated that Ukraine obsessed Putin would continue to brush aside US-led sanctions by upping the stakes in his “economic war” with the West. The Washington Post, for example, had reported how “amid its energy crisis,” EU says gas, nuclear can sometimes be ‘green.’” Then, Germany “delayed” the decommission of its 3 remaining nuclear power plants as its energy woes multiply thanks to Putin. And as Forbes perhaps more candidly wrote: “The EU Finally Admits Natural Gas and Nuclear Are Key to Decarbonization.” Meanwhile, the WSJ reports how Russia is selling its gas by the tanker-full to a newly cultivated clientele cobbled together & consisting of China, India & third world nations.

What a difference a simple turning of a faucet on or off can do to make environmentally woke Europe “get it”, i.e., about responsibly transitioning to alternative energy sources. And, how simple, even enriching, it can be for a rogue nation to weather US-led sanctions or economic war in today’s “globalized economy.”

Davd Soul


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