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As The Covid Clerisy Turns on DOE Dime

DOE became another fed agency suggesting Covid lab leak caused the pandemic, then, Lancet Journal deniers finally discover natural immunity as protective as vaccines? Still follow Fauci’s “science” to hell & back?

This is not to rag on Dr. T or the CDC/NIH or MSM or the progressive pols who either fostered or enabled the pandemic lockdown mentality, then, draconian policies that were in force (and, some STILL are) for over 2 years. As the WSJ editorial board cautioned in its “Another Turn in the Covid Lab-Leak Story,” DOE’s conclusion that the Covid-19 virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, “doesn’t mean the case is definitive.” And yet, they add the “BUT ... it is more evidence that the media & public-health groupthink about Covid was mistaken & destructive.” As has been the pattern, the WSJ explains, “The salient detail is that DOE’s judgment is based on ‘new’ but still secret intelligence. Yet DOE’s new judgment is nonetheless made with ‘low confidence’. The FBI has concluded that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the ‘likely’ origin of the virus, but other US Intelligence agencies either don’t believe they have enough evidence or believe it had a natural origin.”

Meanwhile, in another WSJ piece, the influential “Lancet” medical pub reportedly “recognizes natural immunity … three years late.” Believe it or not, but as the article notes, “The public-health clerisy [belatedly] rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic.” Remember President Trump being ridiculed for suggesting what the Lancet now reports as “science”? That is, the Lancet’s review of 65 studies concluded that “prior infection with Covid, i.e., natural immunity, is at least as protective as two doses of mRNA vaccines.” Somebody, please, go figure.

Davd Soul


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