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Ask Alice: Biden’s Mask Off As Bernie Honeymoon Is On

President Biden’s “moderate” mask came off when he joined Sanders’ radical left in demanding that $5T “infrastructure” & “reconciliation” budget get rammed through Congress together. But, oh well, the ideologues have the most votes in the party caucus & we know after a 40-yr Swamp career Joe goes with the flow as ardently as Sanders has gone against it (& accomplished nothing since his Moscow honeymoon).

Are Biden & Bernie living in an Alice in Wonderland dream world where its radical rabbits shoot themselves in the foot with a shotgun? The massive additions to a national debt that now stands at $28.5T? No sweat. President Bernie over the weekend suggested the new spend was a “minimum” & should have been “much more.” Even the progressive Washington Post says President Joe’s claim the socialist package they are demanding will cost “zero dollars” makes “zero sense.”

Not surprisingly, the Bernie-Biden “do it my way or the highway” plan has stalled so that House Speaker Pelosi was forced by Sunday night to “delay” a promised floor vote until the “end of October.” Meanwhile, Biden says he’s going to go on a national tour to sell his package to the “American people … because they don’t know what’s in it.” Drum roll … EXACTLY (and, neither does he). Wait until more details of pork, waste, & foolishness drip out, one bogus idea after another. As Fox’s Liz Peek noted, Joe’s weekend “unity” visit to Capitol Hill was a “major flop” as his popularity is tanking & no one trusts what he says anymore. And, then, there’s Joe’s former moderate “friends” in Congress he threw under Bernie’s bus by siding with the rads. As a WSJ editor suggested, the mods probably won’t have the guts to say it out loud, but behind Joe’s back they’ll be telling folks back home their own fairy tale about the man’s believability.

Davd Soul


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