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Axelrod Axes Or Greases Teacher Power Play vs Parents?

There MAY be limits to woke insanity as seen in Fox’s “Dem standard-bearer David Axelrod bucks progressives over schools, says "parents should have say” in how/what their kids are taught. Political suicide for Chicago Blue bred David?

Mr. Axelrod WAS a Goliath of sorts in Democratic circles. I watched this fellow Chicagoan grow into a national political consiglieri as he advised more presidents, senators, & Congressmen than some South Side nuns can claim to have outlived Popes. But, what coastal MSM elites never realized is that Mr. Axelrod was more comfortable in his roots as a Kennedy-Daley aka pragmatic liberal; they never saw him cringe, as I did, when appearing on television with increasingly radicalized colleagues spouting goofier & goofier progressive ideas on how to solve the world’s problems. Now, with his daring (or remembering) to think like a Kennedy & dissing the progressives’ faith in teachers’ unions to solely decide whether Critical Race Theory is good for 4th Graders Jake & Jill, not so sure Mr. Axelrod will lose his seat on Mount Olympus, let alone a seat in the studio as a CNN commentator.

Noticeably (and characteristically) however, Axelrod pulled his punch in a Wednesday Tweet as if knowing the woke verbal knives might come for him: “Parents should absolutely be involved in the schools their kids attend. Politicians absolutely should not!” Did The Axe mean “involved” as Chicago Machine like rubber stampers or “involved” as in “CRT teachers can kiss my coattails” taxpayers who pay those teachers their salaries?

Davd Soul


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