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Bad Policies (Maybe) Flip House?

GOP’s apparent retaking of the House, if in less than wave fashion, still suggests plenty of voters are rejecting Dems’ track record of progressive excess resulting in higher crime, prices & illegal immigration. Will an alerted Biden become the “moderate” leader he promised he’d be?

The huge DeSantis & Rubio wins in Florida aside, what does it mean that Nov. 8 is proving not to be the nation-wide Crimson Tsunami some conservatives had predicted and some liberals had feared? Maybe less than people think. Recall that the WSJ’s final pre-election op ed had noted, “Now the Press Tells Democrats Why They’re in Trouble … BAD POLICIES.” Even before the midterm election results were in, the editorial board waxed, “you can tell Democrats are in trouble by reading the liberal columnists in the last couple of days.” Somehow, the editors argued, the MSM suddenly discovered that Dems are at fault for listening to the delusional progressive echo chamber THEY both helped create. But, so what? If the Dems double down on their agenda again, you think the liberal press will go back to crowing what “geniuses” they are?

Remember the old saw about the more things change the more they stay the same as the WSJ did: “This is the same media crowd that supported Democrats when they defunded police in 2020 and pooh-poohed the summer riots that ruined entire neighborhoods …” Well, they did it before. Why not again?

Davd Soul


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