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Beam Me Up & Away From California?

California Gov. Moonbeam 2.0 insists his state is “world’s 4th largest economy” yet WSJ reminds of “Corporate Exodus” that’s following middle class Exodus to states with lower crime, taxes, prices & woke craziness …

A new report by Hoover Institute can’t be denied, the paper’s editors argue, that “business flight from the state is accelerating” at an alarming clip. In fact, the authors found that “352 companies moved their headquarters from California between 2018 and 2021. Twice as many businesses left last year (153) than in 2020 and 2019 and three times as many as in 2018.” Where the hell are they all going to? Texas welcomed 132 of the ex-California patriots. Tennessee got 31. Nevada 25. Florida 24. Arizona 21.

As the editors rhetorically asked, “What do they have in common?” They tell ya: “Low taxes and a lower-cost-of-living”, also citing a litany of California problems, including “burdensome overtime work rules, litigation risk, high costs for labor and workers’ compensation insurance, oppressive taxes, surging electricity rates, a permitting morass, diminishing quality of life, lousy public schools and exorbitant housing costs” making it harder than ever to retain employees.

Davd Soul


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