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Beggar Biden’s Berlin Airlift Asks Arabs 2 Help Lick Putin

Reports say Pres Biden is begging the Arabs again for energy, this time, for Germany’s sake should Putin invade Ukraine & “forces” him to cancel out the Russian gas pipeline being built into the EU which Trump cancelled when an energy independent US was an exporter.

As WSJ’s editorial board noted in “Biden’s Berlin Gas Airlift,” Biden’s aka “The West’s energy disarmament is a gift to Putin on Ukraine.” Here’s why: “Energy is Russia’s most potent nonnuclear weapon, so it’s no surprise Vladimir Putin is leveraging it as he threatens Ukraine. Europe’s climate obsessions have made it vulnerable to Russia [which supplies 40% of the natural gas needed to keep northern Deutchland warm] & so the Biden Administration is riding to the rescue by begging the Arabs & other energy producers to boost natural gas deliveries.”

Any wonder why Germany is balking at sending weapons to Ukraine or even imposing sanctions on Russia as the Crisis threatens to boil over? Noted the WSJ: “A Russian gas embargo could starve households of heating fuel this winter & potentially next if there’s a hot war in Ukraine.” If true, Mr. Biden is going to have to lick many an Arab leader’s pinky ring … and faster than he licks a vanilla ice cream cone on the campaign trail … to get their gas needed to warm Germany’s homes.

Davd Soul


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