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Bernie’s Moderna Brow Beat Down

Bernie Sanders’ Moderna hearing was arguably pathetic back-stabbing of company that risked helping develop life-saving Covid vaccine at Trump’s warp speed (with taxpayer help) & shows no good deed goes unBerned.

As the WSJ editors had conceded, Moderna “took” federal monies to help pay for the billion-dollar gamble & are now looking to significantly raise aka quadruple the bill it charges consumers when the government pay-off, er, helping hand purchases runs out. On other hand, the paper notes, studies suggest Moderna’s vaccine works better in protecting Americans’ health than Pfizer’s. And, btw, Pfizer says it’s going to charge pretty much the same price when these vaccines move to the commercial market later this year. So, what gives with the Bernie Brow Beat Down? According to CNN, he “slammed ‘corporate greed’” cause Moderna’s CEO would not be badgered into committing to lower prices.”

Opines the WSJ: “Mr. Sanders … specifically target[ed] [Moderna’s CEO] because his company worked with the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) to accelerate its vaccine development. [He] apparently should have known better than to work with the government” since Bernie Sanders’ hearing offered another example of how “no good treatment goes unpunished for pharmaceutical companies these days.” Not to cry too much for a quite financially-healthy Moderna. But, might one also suspect Moderna didn’t kick in enough financial support for Bernie’s anti-capitalist & pro-socialist political agenda?

Davd Soul


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