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Best Bet: Dems’ ‘Paring’ Of Wild Spending Spree ‘Phony’

The Democratic radicals’ belief in the stupidity of Americans continues, suggests the WSJ, in its op ed “The $2 Trillion [Entitlements Splurge] Is Phony Too.”

To summarize the Dems’ recent bally-hooed meetings to “pare back the size of its $5T spending spree that “won’t cost taxpayers a dime”, the editors responded: “Biden is bowing to the left again by keeping new entitlements & disguising their cost.” Of course, the accounting shell game is what the left was doing from the get go (to "keep" it at an advertisd $3.5T) and that’s why the WSJ estimates its spend proposal is really closer to $5T. The window dressing, then, is really a smoke screen the House & Senate “dissenters” will hopefully feel comfy hiding behind.

Concluded the editorial board: “Don’t believe [them]. What they are really doing is working hard to pack $4 trillion in new programs into a $2 trillion that sounds less radical than it is.” Bet a trillion dimes the WSJ is right?

Davd Soul


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