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Bezos, Branson Space Squirrels Leave Solution 2 Beaver

The WSJ’s “Jeff Bezos Set for Blue Origin’s First Crewed Space Launch” tells us “the Amazon founder is pursuing his lifelong dream & broader space goals.” Let’s hope, in the end, Jeff’s got a broader vision than Tesla’s Richard Branson, who is also touting the “space travel business” for wealthy tourists. So far, it’s not sounding that way.

In what’s close to being a puff piece, the WSJ reminds “the [upcoming inaugural flight] is timed to coincide with the date in 1969 when the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon. In speeches, Mr. Bezos has cited that event as a key moment during his life & stated his conviction that humanity must establish outposts in the solar system where people could live.”

But, is Bezos saying we “must live” on rocks with no atmospheres? And, isn’t establishing outposts in space what NASA is supposedly doing with taxpayers’ money? Is this all we get from “visionary” millionaires & billionaires like Bezos & Branson who can only smell more millions & billions by lifting it from suckers who have millions & billions to spend? What is really curious is why these supposedly entrepreneurial geniuses don’t smell the real money, i.e., the trillions & trillions to be made off of more desperately needed space exploration related to the earth’s energy, precious mineral & environmental needs. Or, is their only solution to save their impliedly dying planet to leave it to Beaver?

Davd Soul


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