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Bezos Primes Globe 4 Political Unity

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos vows to give majority of $124 billion stash to charity. His prime beneficiaries are fight against climate change & for political unity. Heart may be in right place but hopefully not more lib black holes ... that accomplish little.

It's hard to fault Jeff on his seeing the forest from the trees at age 58: “We have big problems in the world and the way to get big problems done is to work together,” Bezos told CNN during an interview with girlfriend Lauren Sanchez.

As the WSJ noted, Mr. Bezos’ promise doesn’t mean he’s signed on (at least, not yet) to the nonbinding “Giving Pledge” campaign started in 2010 by Microsoft Corps co-founder Bill Gates, his ex, Melinda French Gates and Warren Buffet. The trio at that time had tried to kick start a “new era of philanthropy” and the pledge does now include more than 230 people from 28 countries, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Met’s founder Mark Zuckerberg. Yet, as those “big problems” Bezos alluded to seem to be getting worse anyway, maybe he’s onto something. That is, grasping that such generosity may not “mean a thing if you don’t have that swing vote, er, political unity” to make a lasting impact …

Davd Soul


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