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Biden All But Begging Putin To Kiss His Bear A**?

Why doesn’t Biden just beg Russia to join NATO & call all the shots rather than constantly bow to Putin’s east Euro demands? Joe already gave Putin his $B$ pipeline into Germany Trump had blocked & now his “negotiators” hint they might ok “scaling back missile deployments, military exercises in Russia talks.”

Earlier this week, NATO mouthpieces talked big, suggesting they were going to tell the Russian leader to go to hell in talks starting Monday in Geneva, but then WSJ reports how “US officials say [any such] concessions would need to be reciprocal.” And, while that “reciprocal scale back” negotiating point might “fall short of Moscow’s public demands” the real question remains why is the US still trying to please the Russian Bear at the expense of its NATO allies when it continues to build up its troop presence on Ukraine border, sends planes as well as troops to Kazakhstan, reasserts control over other former Soviet Republics & plays destabilizing games with Poland?

Of course, the Biden Administration’s publicly floating concessions of any kind are, as the newspaper suggests, “an attempt to defuse tensions” with Russia. But, after 4 years of relative peace under the Trump presidency via his “Peace Through Strength” approach to the region, might any signs of weakness by Joe’s negotiators now leave the opposite impression & cause the undesirable opposite results … especially after Joe’s botched Afghan withdrawal foolishly threw America’s allies under the bus?

Davd Soul


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