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Biden Apologized For Trump, Polluting China Blinked

Barack Obama & now Joe Biden have never understood that “apologizing” to dictators or Communist nations brings scorn not appreciation, so it’s no wonder Fox reported “China mocks ‘powerless’ Biden over climate summit apology.”

Mind you, PRC President Xi Jinping didn’t even bother to attend the UN’s recent COP26 Summit in Glasgow yet Beijing-backed news outlet the Global Times published an op ed ridiculing Mr. Biden’s “noble” apology there & calling out the “discord between American voters.” The author(s) opined the lack of unity in the U.S. is another example of “the declining U.S.” and said they could not “wait until 2024 when the Republican Party or even Donald Trump himself apologizes for Biden’s apology.”

The Biden apology which Mr. Trump also said had the world leaders “laughing at us,” was as follows: “I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact that the United States under the last administration pulled out of the Paris agreement. That put us behind the eight ball a bit.” Mr. Trump would likely disagree with that take. He would insist he had pulled out of that climate accord because after 25 previous summits it had accomplished little & was still fatally “one-sided” in that only the U.S. had promised at great cost to become carbon net zero in the foreseeable future, while China was expected to remain the world’s biggest carbon polluter for decades to come.

Davd Soul


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