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Biden Bites Bullet, Sends Troops 2 EU But Not Arizona?

Arizona’s AG thinks Biden’s sending US troops to secure Ukraine border is “height of hypocrisy” when our southern border is arguably left “open” to all comers. And, exactly how is 3K soldiers going to deter 100K Russkies “over there”?

It’s hard to blame Arizona’s top lawyer for the sour grapes. He explained on Fox’s “The Faulkner Focus,” that “the Biden border crisis [via an alleged policy of neglect] “has brought destruction to Arizona … Instead of going to NYC or sending the VP to Central America to study root causes … he should come here to the border & see firsthand the destruction his administration has wrought on Arizona. I think it’s the ultimate height of hypocrisy that you literally have the president of the US willing to risk our sons & daughters to secure Ukraine” while pursuing policies tantamount to a wink-wink open border with Mexico ... allowing, among other things, “millions of drugs” to “flood through our southern border”.

Not incidentally, as the WSJ reports Mr. Biden is sending 3K troops to Eastern Europe, not Ukraine itself. Can someone explain how THAT is going to secure the Ukraine border from Putin’s military machine’s horde?

Davd Soul


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