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Biden Bites Wrong IRS Bullet? More Auditors Or Clerks?

Yesterday we learned Biden’s handlers wanted a new army of auditors to go after tax dead beats, but today’s WSJ notes “Millions of Americans Are (Still) Waiting for the IRS to Pay Up.” Ain’t it always the way for the DC Swamp to constantly dream up ways to get us to pay for bigger government that can’t honor its mandate to give back something in return?

The WSJ article says the IRS is blaming not only the pandemic but a 15% reduction in staff. Has anyone at the WSJ’s DC Bureau noted that NOBODY seems to be working at ANY federal agency, at least, when you see no cars commuting to and from downtown where all the government offices are?

Now, if the problem really is a lack of manpower, I’d say the request for more staffing might be worth it – for anxious taxpaying taxpayers to wait for their refunds this long is plain wrong, unhealthy even. How many folks plan their family budget with that annual refund check from the IRS? Instead of Joe demanding more auditors as he recently did, maybe he could be demanding more rank-and-file refund processors? And, if not, maybe more honest taxpayers would wise up and stop withholding so much in taxes during the year, thereby effectively giving Joe's troops an interest free loan for 12 months going on ... forever?

Davd Soul


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