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Biden Blind To Ukraine Signs, Passes Gas On US Energy

Perhaps biggest example of Biden’s jack ass-backwards diplomacy (Biblically speaking) is threatening Russia with "unprecedented" energy sanctions if it invades Ukraine while waging renewed regulatory war on US natural gas providers who could do far more damage to Putin if Joe would let them.

So argues the WSJ in its “Biden’s Regulators Empower Putin.” How exactly? For one, Biden’s FERC just set new rules “that will block new US natural gas pipelines.” And, two, cheaper American natural gas sold to Europe (instead of via their traditional Russian supplier) is the one thing Putin (and his gassy, filthy rich oligarchs) would hate to see most. Yet, concluded the editors: “We live in strange and contradictory times. President Biden [says he] is trying mightily to deter a Russian invasion in Ukraine at the same time his regulators are working to give Vladimir Putin more leverage over global energy supplies. Obsessive climate politics gets more self-destructive by the week.” And, by for the Grace of God there goes American energy independence? BTW: News reports say Ukraine President Zelensky wants to know exactly WHAT "unprecedented" sanctions await Putin's Russia if its massing 150K troops invade and wants them imposed NOW since "it will be too late" to save his country once the dirty deed is done ...

As Jesus once said, any fool knows “how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but … [not everyone] can interpret the signs of the times” and especially in the early days of “wars and rumors of wars.”

Davd Soul


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