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Biden & Bradshaw Old-Timers Disease

Old-timer’s Disease in the White House getting scary? First Fox Sports’ Terry Bradshaw can’t remember names of players he’s commenting on, then, Joe Biden can’t understand why a dead congresswoman he’s looking for isn’t at his presser.

Said Joe during a WH Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health: “I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like … Sen. Braun, Sen. Booker, Rep … Jackie, Jackie, are you here?” in reference to the late Jackie Walorski who died in a car accident last month & had been publicly mourned by No. 46. He looked about & continued as stunned staff & reporters cringed: “I think she was going to be here to help make this a reality.” Maybe Joe was funning us again by pretending to be senile, only to really be pulling our leg. Maybe not. If a joke, it’s getting sicker.

Meanwhile, social media lit up last Sunday as 74-yr-old NFL HOFer Bradshaw worried fans when he repeatedly mumbled & ultimately fumble his presentation of the game day’s highlights. “Terry Bradshaw calling highlights needed to end like 8 yrs ago but it’s still happening & it’s absolutely horrific,” wrote one former admirer. Like Joe, maybe Terry is pulling our leg. Maybe not. Maybe both really need to Hail Mary & pray for help if not retirement.

Davd Soul


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