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Biden Drops Stink Over Russia-Germany Gas Pipeline

The WSJ is reporting “US Set to Drop Opposition to Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” that would double the supply of Russian natural gas already going to Germany … and, it’s a move that makes no sense, unless you are Vladimir Putin.

In fact, two US presidents had bitterly opposed the Russans’ pipeline gambit, with Mr. Trump bluntly asking most recently why should the US be paying millions to “protect” Germany from Russian attack, then, look the other way as Germany paid millions to Russia’s oligarchs for their energy? Other critics feared “the pipeline would allow the Kremlin to increase European dependence on its natural gas, then use it to blackmail US allies.”

Get this. The WSJ says “Mr. Biden continues to oppose the pipeline and views it as a Kremlin move to expand its influence over others…but [he] considers a united group of allies to be the most effective way to counter Moscow.” HOW? By, EU nations pooling Euros to pay Putin from the same pot? Is Mr. Biden somehow thinking his head in the sand is going to give him a “counter-blackmail threat”, i.e., by withholding payments to Russia in the future? As the Brits might say, “Brilliant.” And, some wonder why so many want out of the EU?

Davd Soul


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