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Biden Dumps On US Oil, Begs Saudis 2 Clean Up His Mess

Lincoln (pictured) dumped on Saudi Arabia’s embassy lawn in DC's Foggy Bottom & his master dutifully cleaned up after him just as Biden dumped on USA’s fossil fuel industry & now begs Saudi masters to clean up his inflation mess by selling us oil while Iran oil fuels Russian Ukraine invasion.

How dumpy can you get? Joe Biden insisting HE is not causing skyrocketing gas prices with his War on Fossil Fuels that severely dampened domestic exploration, production & distribution but PUTIN’s invasion of Ukraine & “Price Gouging” oil companies are. Then, he had the gall to “ban” Russian oil imports, which the WSJ already debunked as having little more than a “symbolic” impact on prices let alone the Russian “war machine”, but warned Americans’ to expect still MORE pump price increases. Still more galling, Mr. Biden is expected to ask (yet again) the SAUDI’s and/or Socialist dictator Maduro in Venezuela to give the US more gasoline to make up for the lack of US gasoline. Why? Because his release of US oil “reserves” as ballyhooed in his State of the Union speech didn’t dent the spiraling price consumers are paying.

So where did No. 46 go to announce his brilliant NEW “smoke & mirrors” strategy that STILL does not place sanctions on Russian energy exports, which WOULD hurt Putin most? Texas. The heart of Oil USA. Presumably to tell the Texans the good news about how he’s doing everything BUT hitting Putin where it really hurts & going back to fostering domestic production of fossil fuels to meet US & EU growing needs & which under the Trump Administration had made the US energy independent instead of dependent upon ANYONE else.

Davd Soul


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