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Biden Fiddles As Mid East Oil Burns US

As Biden dithers over response to Iranian allies’ murdering US soldiers, Walter Mead says Middle East is on fire cause Joe’s bid for détente has “utterly failed.” So, TRUMP was right? “Energy independence” is key to short-circuiting ME chaos?


Meade didn’t say that energy quip, but Trump did ad nauseum before & after his presidency. No. 45 even waxed about the US becoming an EXPORTER of energy. But, Mr. Biden NEVER can admit Mr. Trump did anything right. On this point, at least, maybe he should. In Meade’s “The Middle East Is Biden’s Worst Crisis,” the columnist warns No. 46 “Iran, not the US, has controlled the pace & direction of Middle East politics since [he] took office.” And, while many Americans can’t grasp why our country keeps investing so heavily in the Grand-dad of all sand dunes, Mead reminds that “10 successive American presidents learned … the Middle East can’t be ignored.” Indeed, he details how Biden has been no more successful than Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, the Bush’s & Obama. Why? Says Meade: “As these 10 presidents learned, what happens in the Middle East often doesn’t stay there … The region’s dominant role in global energy markets means even countries like the US [even when they don’t] depend on ME oil can’t escape the consequences if regional instability disrupts the flow of oil & gas” to allies in Europe, Asia & elsewhere.


Trump grasped this reality. He kicked ISIS butt rather than just sand ala Obama. His Abraham Accords came “this close” to achieving the cooperation & dialogue needed for any lasting peace, i.e., until the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco again emboldened Tehran & its proxies to attack, attack, attack. Yet, perhaps the biggest & baddest insight Trump had was in not only having the US  gain “energy independence” but become an “energy exporter” so the entire West & its friends around the globe could no longer be held hostage by ME craziness. Instead, we have Joe’s war on farting cows.


Davd Soul


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