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Biden Fixed On Drug Deaths Or Solution?

As US drug deaths broke records in 2021 & with no end to the crisis in sight, one might pity Joe Biden who insisted from his MD bunker he had a “plan” to solve every woe, from Covid to opioids, but maybe shame on us for believing ANY politician’s promises?

The latest provisional CDC stats are brutal as reported by Fox: “The US recorded an estimated 107,622 drug overdose deaths last year … The number is a large jump from the prior year, when the CDC estimated that 91,799 Americans died due to drug overdose.” Frankly, who wants to hear any more excuses from the Biden (or Trump) Administration(s)? When legal adviser to a mid-sized Midwestern city, the Mayor gave me the wisest advice I ever got: “People don’t want to hear from their politicians about the problems, but how they are going to FIX them.”

Enough talk? How about action with results? To his credit, President Trump launched a commission to fight opioid addiction & drug overdoses as 64K lives were lost to drugs when he took office in 2016. His signature initiative included crackdowns on over prescribing the deadly drugs as well as cutting off the flow of illicit drugs across our borders as well as within our cities. Still, while the LA Times conceded the death rate was “slowed,” by 2019, almost 72K people still died of drug overdoses. As the Times noted, the Covid pandemic further complicated matters as researchers now suggest the Fauci-led CDC lockdowns likely contributed the newly spiking drug overdoses. Joe’s re-opened border couldn’t have helped. Maybe time to get FIXED on the solutions, not just the existence of the addiction?

Davd Soul


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