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Biden & Harris Need A Helmet More Than WFT & Ford?

Dallas blew out WFT 56-14 Sunday so bad DC’s defenders were fighting one another, yet it wasn’t quite the Pearl Harbor moment to come when on Dec 8, 1940 the Chicago Bears unmercifully sank the Redskins 73-0. If only hapless No. 46 was as lucky fighting crises as helmetless Gerald Ford…

As WFT teammates Jonathan Allen & Daron Payne said afterward, their sideline fist-fight in between TDs was a “brotherly disagreement” due to getting scalped on national television by Cowboys; they were just tryin’ to finally get on the same page for a play or two before things got really ugly. So, sister Kamala Harris should kick brother Joe Biden in the groin & Biden bitch slap Harris in the Rose Colored Glasses Garden during one of their rare photo ops? Of course not, although maybe a friendly nudge might make them wake up & do something to counter the multiple crises facing Team America as Xi, Putin, human traffickers & Covid blow past them to score their points again & again & again.

Can’t somebody in DC learn from history? In the 1940 championship game, the Bears kicked so many balls in the stands after TDs the refs asked owner-coach George Halas to run or pass for extra points on the last two scores. Maybe Joe could (similarly) ask Buttigieg to dash naked past the podium in the middle of his next WH presser so’s to take the reporters’ minds off the foolishness they just heard. Moreover, since the “1940 Day That Will Live In NFL Infamy” also marked the last time a league player (i.e., Bears’ end Dick Plasman) played without a helmet, maybe Joe could put one on for the next 3 years & as he “deals” with the many more crises to come so people would stop comparing him to a helmetless President Gerald Ford.

Davd Soul


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