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Biden-Harris Ticket As Inevitable As Two Peas In A Pod Fermenting In DC Swamp?

After Joe’s VP smoke has cleared, one wonders if the Biden-Harris ticket was inevitable. Don’t Swamp birds fly together? Wasn’t the only other Black woman with an elitist resume under consideration Susan Rice, whose fingerprints are all over Russiagate & will be skewered if not indicted in October? That is, for her roll in the Obama Administration’s spying on the Trump campaign, then, transition team, then, the fledgling presidency? Joe still knows what the White House walls know. He may be losing his mind, but he remembers enough.

How about the others on Joe’s short list that Fox contributor Donna Brazile has called “outstanding”? As the news network’s Tucker Carlson reminded his erstwhile colleague, “they [were] a bunch of stiffs.” One might also note how most were radicals no better than a Beto O’Rourke camouflaged by black face and dressed in drag.

No. Kamala was Joe’s man. C’mon man, you know what I meant. Look at the record. We are. And, that of Biden’s running mate who, we’re told, impressed Joe by “knowing (son) Beau.” Big problem for this ticket is, in fact, THAT insider history of Joe, China’s favorite son Hunter, and now Senator Harris. They all reek of DC connections and opportunism, if not, decadence. Not that Rice would have been any better in that regard. Yet, Harris’s ties to the Swamp and the coastal elites is almost as startling, starting with her childhood as the daughter of Donald (no relation to Trump), a Stanford professor. Her rise in California politics is littered with accusations of attaching herself to establishment men, jumping on their backs, being piggybacked to the next step upward. As a prosecutor and thanks to the now notorious Biden-sponsored 1994 crime bill, she imprisoned countless inner city Blacks for smoking pot and bragged about it to get elected to Congress; that is, until the “accomplishment” tanked her presidential candidacy in this year’s primaries. No. Joe remembered the old, old saying. He and Harris are “two peas in a pod”.

Davd Soul


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