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Biden Has Queen Sized Brain Teaser As GOP Demands

Even UK’s press covered GOP’s renewed demand that an increasingly incoherent President Biden take a cognitive test like No. 45 did, but no, Queen Elizabeth II hasn’t been asked by Parliament to show she still has her marbles despite insisting Chuck will make a good King.

London’s Independent, for one, notes “nearly 40 Republicans are demanding that Joe Biden receive cognitive testing and have his results shared with the public … writing in a letter to the president ‘we are worried about your cognitive and mental abilities.’” Ouch. To show their nonpartisanship, the GOP contingency added, “We believe that, regardless. Of gender, age, or political party, all Presidents should follow the example set by former President Trump to document and demonstrate sound mental abilities.”

Of course, recall it was the Democrats, including Mr. Biden, who had called Mr. Trump’s mental health into question for supposedly being nuts enough to conspire with Vladimir Putin to turn the keys to Washington DC over to the Politburo. As for the Queen’s sanity, her recent assurance to the British press that she’d have no problem with son Charles’ intention to make his wife, Camilla, queen after Her Majesty’s death one of these years, might be grounds for a competency hearing; that is, if democracy rather than the Divine Right of Kings ruled in the UK.

Davd Soul


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