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Biden Impeachment Inquiry Set In Stone?

An inevitable GOP impeachment INQUIRY is not payback for Dems’ drummed up impeachment of Trump, but called for thanks to Joe’s enabling of son to use his name & gov’t status to bilk foreigners & enrich fam, incl maybe you know who.

As WSJ columnist William McGurn opined, “A proper inquiry is a road back from Nancy Pelosi’s cutting every corner to get Trump.” There’s simply too much dirt on No. 46’s hands now to sweep the filth under the Swamp’s carpet, no matter how many government mouthpieces, lawyers & bureaucrats try to do so. As McGurn concludes: “September in Washington & the Hunter Biden scandal is in the air. The only question now is what happens first: an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s role in his son’s influence-peddling—or a Hunter Biden indictment from a grand jury impaneled by special counsel David Weiss. Normally, Republicans might defer to law enforcement. But a politicized Justice Dept & FBI have squandered the public’s trust … [and too many folks are now persuaded] … the fix is in …"

But, there’s a bigger issue fish to air still, ain’t there? Says McGurn: “The ultimate question surrounding Hunter’s overseas millions from places such as China & Ukraine – whether his father was the quo for the quid his son received [and distributed via scores of bank accounts to family]—is political. More important than seeing anyone packed off to prison is learning whether Joe Biden, as vice president, willfully enabled his son’s schemes & twisted US policy in the process. It may turn out that Joe Biden committed no crime. But even if he never received a nickel from his son’s businesses, his cooperation in Hunter’s selling of the Biden brand was corrupt. Ditto for President Biden’s Justice Dept, which repeatedly sabotaged the federal investigation into Hunter.”

Davd Soul


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