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Biden Inflation Getting Clock Cleaned As Fed Hikes Rates

Despite WH insistence our runaway inflation was “transitory,” the small print in the FED’s announcement this week it was raising its interest rate for the 1st time in 3 years warns of SIX more hikes later this year AND still more in 2023; but even those increases WILL NOT KEEP UP WITH THE 7.9% INFLATION RATE JOE’S CLOCKING…

Call it an Epiphany, a Revelation or an Aha Moment but a recent WSJ piece observes “many [Americans] knew inflation was here … [yet] … now they say they can feel it – at the gas pump, the local coffee shop & the grocery store.”

Wrote the WSJ’s Julia Carpenter: “The highest inflation in four decades became real for Matthew Rivera when he ordered a plate of chicken wings last month at a restaurant in the Catskill Mountains. He normally pays $8-10 & this time it was $20. The old, lower price was crossed out on the menu.” Meanwhile, Joe & the environmental ideologues demanding inflationary policies embodied in their Green New Deal & War on Fossil Fuels, insist the sacrifice will save the planet in the long run … and there will be more chickens breathing easier, too.

Davd Soul


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