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Biden Kicks Sleepy Putin’s Pocketbook, Jinping Next?

The WSJ’s “A Bad Day for Vladimir Putin” lauds President Biden’s newly announced sanctions against the Russkies, while reminding him his pals in CHINA are the biggest threat to the USA’s national security.

Says the editors: “Joe Biden’s sanctions will bite and they come at the right time…Most important is a ban on American financial institutions purchasing new bonds from the Russian finance ministry, central bank or sovereign-wealth fund after June 14. The executive order also allows the U.S. government to sanction any part of the Russian economy, which will make U.S firms think twice about doing business in Russia.”

The Biden sanctions got Russia’s attention. It summoned the U.S. Ambassador to Moscow and warned: “Washington must realize that the degradation of bilateral relations will have to be paid for. The responsibility for what is happening lies entirely with the U.S.” As the WSJ snickered: “This is a predictable tactic: Attack the U.S. – then blame the victim for retaliating.” Hmm. Sounds like the Russkies are taking a page out of last summer’s “peaceful demonstrators” in the U.S….or, is it the other way around? Whatever. Now, if only Mr. Biden would get Xi Jinping’s attention…

Davd Soul


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