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Biden Kimmels As Approval Ratings Are Crackers

Fox says WH is worried about Jimmy Carter parallels to the Biden presidency as No. 46's approval ratings remain low. So, Joe goes on Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday night for 1st fake interview in over 100 days to pass the Saltines as usual?

Even left-leaning Politico now concedes No. 46 & his staff are “feeling defeated” as “morale inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is plummeting amid growing fears that the parallels to Jimmy Carter, another first-term Democrat plagued by soaring prices & a foreign policy morass, will stick.”

What happened to Joe’s “plan” for solving every problem known to mankind? Didn’t he repeatedly say from his home's basement in 2020 THAT LACK OF A PLAN was President Trump’s [and America’s] “problem”? Now, thanks to HIS [and America’s] problem, Mr. Biden’s approval ratings sit below Mr. Trump’s at this point in his presidency. Going on Kimmel’s show & parroting his progressive talking points to the choir is going to move the needle? Up or Down? Does Polly want a cracker?

Davd Soul


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