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Biden No Tiger Joe If Using Pentagon 2 Seed Illegals

Fox’s Tucker Carlson aired evidence that President Biden’s “Pentagon leaders are trying to the hide truth about illegal immigration from Americans.” Tucker noted Joe’s open borders policy has led to the apprehension of over 1 million foreigners into the country since January, despite no authorization from Congress to do so, then, has secretly used military transports to seed them across the nation. “At first, [I] doubted it could be real." Yet, Tucker insisted, he’s using our military to spread these foreigners all over the country’s heartland, thereby “subverting the country’s core immigration laws”.

Tucker’s evidence is based on his catching POTUS with his hands in a Texas cookie jar called “Laughlin Air Force Base”. Apparently, a whistleblower revealed a damning directive from a Lt. Col. Burrows who is now accused of running the operation.

But, if true, it’s no surprise, let alone, secret here. What Mr. Biden & his handlers are doing is nothing more than what the most radical “progressives” have been doing in our big cities for the past 20 years to “solve” the homeless “problem”. Let’s call it “Homeless Solution 2.0”. That is, after opening our borders to the world, Joe is letting illegals, undocumented, human traffickers, felons, whatever, camp out anywhere in the USA they can find an open space to park their bodies on, only with the help of military transports instead of an army of big city social workers, government-subsidized non-profits, religious do-gooders and pro bono lawyers who can smell a PR opportunity better than Tiger Joe Exotic.

Davd Soul


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