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Biden Pissed WH Staff Isn’t Fooled By Joe?

NBC says Joe Biden is frustrated with his aides for walking back his oft-controversial or simply incorrect statements because it makes him “look weak.” No, Mr. President, is makes you look worse than that, i.e., REAL.

Ironically, even the left-leaning NBC News recently said No. 46 has told advisers, e.g., that “the so-called clean-up campaign … undermines him and smothers the AUTHENTICITY that fueled his rise.” Funny, many think Joe’s SILENCE during the 2020 campaign was his chief strength. But, worse, Mr. Biden now apparently thinks, “it feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command.” Most recently, Mr. Biden got plenty of grief over suggesting he'd go to war over a theoretical PRC invasion of Taiwan, which seemed to run counter to decades of US support for a “One China” policy. His head-scratching fight against record inflation by spending MORE not LESS government funds has also been widely panned on logic grounds. Earlier, WH staffers quickly countered Mr. Biden’s take on Putin’s remaining in power if he keeps invading Ukraine, which Mr. Biden quickly countered, then, was clarified … and, it’s that kind of gotcha from his own staff that’s maybe now sticking in the old man’s craw.

Somehow, the WH insisted the NBC report about its walking anything the president says back needs clarification because the staffers there never issue a clarification “without his [Biden’s] direct approval.” Ok. Clear as mud. BTW: On Wednesday, the WH "clarified" what Mr. Biden really meant about "banning 9mm" weapons.

Davd Soul


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