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Biden’s 2b Down On Renewables 2b Crosses Reality?

Unlike awakened Euros, Kim Strassel says “Biden Is in Climate Denial” by continuing his War on Fossil Fuels to point of ending our energy independence & driving record inflation as others opine Joe just doesn’t care about the Middle Class let alone Ukraine.

The WSJ columnist summed it up this way: “Even the European left understands what the Ukraine invasion means for fossil fuels” as Joe long ago sold his soul to environmental ideologues. How bad are Mr. Biden’s blind eyes for his own political good? “The Joe Biden who showed up Monday at his first in-person fundraiser as president sounded like a man in a time warp,” Strassel opined, then, quoted No. 46: “’Let me begin by saying: [Climate change] is the existential threat to humanity …’ [& then] proceeded to recite an environmental agenda identical to the one he campaigned on. Ukraine got one mention & only then as further reason why Americans need to ‘weatherize homes & businesses.’”

Sadly, Joe doesn’t grasp how Putin is using his energy advantage over the Euros, the US and, yes, in “killing” Ukrainians. Nor, as the Fox pundit, Tucker, noted he doesn’t care about the financial pain he’s inflicting on poor & Middle Class Americans. As Strassel says, the president’s FERC just announced another new pipeline review policy “that will stop most projects” & the WH continues its “near-moratorium on new leases to drill on federal land & its block of Alaskan drilling” as if saving the oil for Russia, which recently demanded the return of the energy rich state. Joe even says he’ll ignore Congress ala Putin & continue his War on American energy via executive order. As Strassel concludes, “no one is giving up on renewables, but nobody [in EU or US with any common sense or sense of balance] is any longer pretending they are the basis of energy reliability or security.”

Davd Soul


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