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Biden’s $2T Plan Recast As “Bernie’s Green New Steal”?

The WSJ & sister Fox News seem to think President Biden’s $2T infrastructure plan is a “Tale of Two Countries,” a pig in a U.S. poke as well as poke in China’s eye.

First, buying into Mr. Biden’s plan without seeing it for what it really is. Consider an earlier Fox story by Tyler Olson, “Biden’s $2T spending plan, billed as infrastructure bill, spends less than half on infrastructure.” Not a good look for anyone worried about the national debt & Swamp Spending run amok. So, is it any wonder in a subsequent WSJ article, the balance-minded newspaper recast the same plan as a poke in China’s eye? Indeed, in “China Looms Large in Biden’s Infrastructure Plan,” anyone worried about the DC Swamp continuing to get its butt kicked in the trade war with China is reassured. Said author Gerald Sieb: “The Biden team sees the plan – and wants the Chinese to see the plan – as a sign the U.S. intends to put itself in a better position to compete with Beijing economically.”

I’ll bet the Biden team put that bug in Mr. Sieb’s ear. But, wasn’t President Trump’s plan these past 4 years to similarly, if not exactly, put the U.S. in a “greater” position to compete with Beijing economically? And, back to the piggish pork in the Biden spending plan we were first warned about. For instance, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted, “This plan is not about rebuilding America’s backbone. Less than 6% of this massive proposal goes to roads & bridges. It would spend more money just on electric cars than on America’s roads, bridges, ports, airports & waterways combined.” Yo, guys, why not just call it “Bernie’s Green New Steal”?


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