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Biden’s Alternative Reality Trump’s Sartre & Yogi

WSJ’s Dan Henninger compared Joe Biden’s “alternative realities” rhetoric, e.g., in insisting his $3.5T spending spree will “not cost you a penny” to another famous existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre & his book “Being & Nothingness.” Too intellectual for Joe? Try Yogi Berra’s “a nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”

True, Yogi. And, so is Mr. Henninger’s take on No. 46’s “Manufactured Realities” as he waxed: “Many Americans … [now] … watch scenes on television of thousands of migrants crossing the Rio Grande River into the US. Nonetheless, Mr. Biden’s secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas, says the border is ‘closed’ and ‘no less secure than previously.’ Mr. Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, said in August the evacuation of Kabul couldn’t be called ‘anything but a success.’” In short, concluded the columnist, “Ms. Pskaki’s skill at reordering reality for Mr. Biden is mesmerizing.”

Another take is that things & Joe’s delusions are going to get worse as inflation eats away at peoples’ income & more realize their real wages have DECLINED 1.9% since his inauguration. Watch for Mr. Biden to tell the press as his sinking approval rankings plunge even further around Christmas time as gifts are no where to be found on the W-Mart floor: “No one goes there nowadays anyway because it’s too crowded.” It’s as if Mr. Biden likes “going to other peoples’ funerals, otherwise they won’t come to his” (political funeral) when the 2024 election votes are counted.

Davd Soul


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