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Biden’s BBB Gimmick Of The Week Fools No One

Victor Davis Hanson points to Team Biden’s Build Back Better “gimmick of the week” in a futile attempt to fend off plunging poll approvals leading up to mid-term elections only to wind up FEEDING flames of voter discontent …

The Hoover Institute’s fellow cites how this week Mr. Biden tried to “reenergize” his left allies by again “promoting his plan to ‘Build Back Better’ and ‘Green New Deal’, only this time, spending trillions more on the entire world & not just the USA. One “obvious” solution to soaring inflation, according to Hanson, is to “develop the oil we have at home and the precious metals and minerals and the timber that we’re not using … and we can do it more ecologically sound than anybody in the world.” But, instead, No. 46 keeps doubling down on those unrealistic spending sprees and “printing money” to pay for it, the very things that sent inflation spiraling out of control in the first place, only now, he proposes spending the money “for people overseas that are dysfunctional societies” rather than here at home.

But, wait. Then, we learn Joe reportedly did an “about face” this weekend by “resuming oil and gas leases on federal lands” to fight soaring gas prices but with a caveat. Do we need Mr. Hanson to tell us the president AGAIN shoots himself and us in the foot by disingenuously allowing for LESS ground to be mined and for MORE money, thereby sending development costs through the roof and laying the ground for pump prices to go up HIGHER still? What’s the old saying, “fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice …”

Davd Soul


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