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Biden’s Bellowing Bad For Ukrainians Hopes, Digestion?

Can someone please explain why Joe warns the “Russians Are Coming!” every freakin’ day? Maybe he saw the movie by that titling but forgets it was about nothing good happening except PANIC. Imagine the DC Swamp pissing in its Foggy Bottom if Abe had declared from the WH every morning during the first two weeks of April, 1861: “The Secesh Is Coming!”

Now, of course, Putin’s hordes may indeed be positioning to invade Ukraine aka Joe’s family’s favorite investment company. And, it could very well happen “any day now” as he keeps saying. And, then, No. 46 never tires of assuring the Russkies will regret the fire & brimstone he’s going to bring forth from the heavens to smote them. So economic sanctions & termination of that gas pipeline from Russian to Germany (that he ok'd after President Trump once tanked), among other Biblical retributions, will get the job done? Unfortunately, it's more likely the talk is mostly a kind of naive liberal “PR” campaign as if “words rather than sticks & stones” are going to stop a determined invader at the border.

You can just hear the Ukraine president with head buried in hands shouting to anyone who will listen, “Will someone please make that powerless old man shut up?” It seems even Mr. Zelensky thinks as did Abe that in any impending crisis “quiet diplomacy”, if not real weapons that work, works better than idle or ineffective threats. If nothing else, it can CALM rather than needlessly PANIC or DEPRESS folks of what might or might not be inevitable.

Davd Soul


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