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Biden’s Dirty EO Laundry Coming Out In Trump Wash?

This blog has often complained about the do-nothing, peanut eaters in Congress, but running this country with power-grabbing, unconstitutional Executive Orders also leaves us with an empty shell of a government. Not that EOs weren’t always available to our presidents, including Honest Abe Lincoln. But, Obama started the modern parade of them & Trump sang a similar tune as a hopelessly divided Congress continued to, well, eat peanuts.

And, Joe Biden? He’s making The Barama & The Donald look like squirrels. Fortunately, our Founding Fathers foresaw this could happen & embedded in our Swamp Rules a system of checks & balance, ergo, a (supposedly) independent judiciary. Well, our jurists do have political opinions and, sometimes, nut case agendas when interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Yet, many such empty-shelled ideas often & fortuitously get cleaned up by them, too.

Case in point was Fox News’ “Trump-appointed [aka conservative] judges obstruct Biden ‘pen & phone’ policies just months into term.” As might be expected, during Mr. Trump’s 4-years as president, Obama-appointed (aka liberal) judges similarly “obstructed” many of his executive orders, e.g., when Congress continued to refuse a legislative fix for the broken immigration system they so unwisely created, then, fostered through continued peanut eating, er, inactivity. Ain’t it only right if Joe has to likewise store up his worst progressive nuggets until reason returns to Washington?

Davd Soul


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