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Biden’s Extremely Impractical Bright Ideas

Politico argues Biden’s botched Afghan pullout is the ‘dark cloud’ over crapola approval ratings he won’t likely recover from, BUT wasn’t the hurricane seeded on ‘day 1’ as supposed moderate No. 46 sold out to rad Left?

Americans are not stupid. Other than die hard progressives, most could see that almost before the aging Mr. Biden could slowly climb the WH stairs for the first time he had clearly signaled he had bought into socialist Bernie Sanders ‘print money til you drop’ economic & environmental theories. Besides quickly backing the progressives’ wildest dreams of supposedly preventing a Covid-induced recession by handing out trillions in individual and corporate subsidies with nearly no strings attached, he even more quickly declared war on fossil fuels and backed every alt energy idea under sun, even though economists inside and outside the administration warned gas prices would zoom and global warming would not be significantly dented. BTW: Simultaneously, Mr. Biden’s “plan” to stamp out Covid with a draconian lockdown mentality and policy didn’t do much to save the nation from experiencing more deaths than under Mr. Trump.

In short, almost from the get-go and while Americans were willing to give Mr. Biden the benefit of the doubt, they instinctively also suspected he was clueless about the real world they lived in, that the critics about inflation and recession were right about him. If so, Joe’s Afghanistan fiasco was just an early symptom of a deadly policy virus that had settled into the WH and over the nation. It’s called “extremists’ impractical bright ideas.”

Davd Soul


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