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Biden’s Foot On US Energy A Choke Hold Russia Digs?

Not quite long as the 5.1 seconds it takes a Ford Mustang to go from 0-60 mph, but Rick Perry is close in noting how “stunning” it’s been to see President Biden give away the nation’s “energy independence to relying on other countries like” Russia & Iran.

Said the former energy secretary on Fox’s Hannity: “Joe Biden & [the] policies he’s putting in place make Jimmy Carter look kind of good…think about where we were…the Americans that we put to work…[and now]…stopping that Keystone Pipeline out of Canada and then allowing the Russians to finish the Nord Stream 2. I mean, it just absolutely makes no sense. The country that will hold the Europeans hostage with energy just got the green light.”

Well, Rick, the Germans made that deal with the Russian devil. Yet, your main point, first articulated by President Trump, is also echoed by Washington Examiner reporter Salena Zito when she told Fox Mr. Biden “put his foot on the neck” on the US energy industry and then went to foreigners aka OPEC begging for their oil while gas prices “soar in the US.” The Texas Governor even had to tell POTUS to stop the begging, “Texas will take care” of the country’s oil needs. Somebody better?

Davd Soul


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