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Biden’s House Divided Speech Has Abe Rolling Over

The collective minds of WSJ’s editorial board were boggled by Pres Biden’s “House Divided” speech in which he really said either you are with him or “Jefferson Davis” if you don’t go along with Dems’ proposed federal Covid voting forever, anywhere, anyone law.

Not only did the editors note “the President’s speech on voting rights is divorced from reality” and “grandiloquent nonsense,” but was the hallmark of a classic “demogague” and, therefore, “not a good look for a President.” Fox’s Tucker Carlson said it showed what “Biden really thinks of Americans.” You think? Lest the words fail to live on in “infamy” as will VP Harris’ comparison of Jan 6 to “Pearl Harbor and 9/11,” the op ed repeated Mr. Biden’s infamous words (that even Stacey Abrams running for Ga gov again avoided at all costs): “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [Martin Luther] King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”

As the WSJ points out, “Mr. Biden’s speech in Georgia was a call to bulldoze the Senate’s filibuster to pass a rebranded version of H.R. 1, a bill that would impose a federal election code on all 50 states, including forcing them to count mail ballots that lack postmarks …” like a Chicago Machine Politician’s cemetery free for all on steroids. Abraham Lincoln can only be rolling over in his Springfield crypt. Hopefully a responsible majority in Congress won’t roll over as Joe demanded.

Davd Soul


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