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Biden’s Iowa “Win” A 2024 Omen?

Besides obviously planted WH media leaks, new billing records also show No. 46’s signaling to have No. 45 indicted in NY & Ga by allied Dem DAs. And, now Joe’s doing a victory lap with Donald for Big D’s massive win in Iowa. Huh?


No, really. That about sums up Holman Jenkins’ WSJ column titled, “Biden wins the GOP Iowa Caucus” and explains Joe’s reaction by saying he’s “very fortunate” to go up against Trump again. Notes, the columnist, “Invoking Hitler isn’t helping.” Put another way, every time Team Biden has tried to undercut Trump’s legitimacy with another indictment, No. 45’s popularity goes up while No. 46’s goes down. And, for some gosh awful reason, Joe’s supporters are supposed to be thrilled because it supposedly proves their man’s brilliance in again teeing up No. 45 as his opponent in 2024.


One might be tempted to say how childish this all is. Or, at least, illogical. But, then, we’re talking about two of the most prideful and stubborn politicians in American history. And, at no point along this epic political battle has either side seemed to grasp politics’ bedrock “what goes around comes around” theory. Recall how Donald “miraculously” beat Hillary in 2016 because of the latter’s “wicked witch of the Deep State” persona. Then, in 2020, Joe “miraculously” beat Donald largely because of the pandemic & the latter’s Ralph Kramden aka Big Mouth syndrome. So, what does the brilliant, if 82-yr-old & tottering Joe think’s gonna happen to him in a few short months as wars breakout around the globe faster than his media leaks, Hunter looks even more incriminating than Billy Carter, “Bidenomics” means hamburger costs more than his liver pills, and illegal aliens are invading the southern border, while anti-Jewish protesters are scaling his WH fence?


Davd Soul


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