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Biden’s Magic Making Boomers Retire?

NY Times piece recently noted how “Baby Boomers” are “finally retiring” in droves as if that’s news. Maybe more on point is story’s unwitting belying of Joe’s constant quip about low unemployment rate thanks to HIS magic?

What many folks really want to know is when will ‘Ol 46 retire. ‘Ol 80-yr-old Biden, of course, will be 82 when he insists he’ll run yet again for sleeping another 4 years in the White House at taxpayers’ expense. Apparently, Mexico’s President suggests he’s already tired of falling asleep waiting for Joe to keep his ‘ol promises of financially supporting the countries south of the border made yet again during his Monday & Tuesday PR stunt, er, summit with their leaders, including Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Lopez. As Fox News noted, “while public comments mostly struck a positive tone,” Mexico’s top gun “pressed Biden over his ‘abandonment’ and ‘forgetfulness’ to help Central American countries.”

Memory loss, real due to age or feigned for political gain, can of course appear to afflict some octogenarians like Joe. As for the NY Time’s conclusion that the USA’s Boomer retirement surge is “changing the landscape” of the nation’s employment scene, Fed Chairman Powell already noted the same will happen in various public comments, perhaps “for years to come,” but due to a number of demographic factors, like that obvious aging population, changing market forces & an evolving global economy, not Mr. Biden’s genius.

Davd Soul


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