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Biden’s Magic Wan Won’t Change Gas Supply Or Climate

The good news last week was that Pres Biden finally agreed to help Euros replace Russia as its main natural gas supplier, but WSJ notes “bad news is that [Joe] is still telling US gas producers he wants to put them out of business.” An old man’s dream or delusion or both?

The editors noted: “It sounds crazy,” but as Mr. Biden proclaimed he’s “going to make sure the families in Europe can get through this winter and the next”, he then segwayed into his old radical woke line about how “at the same time, this crisis also presents an opportunity [that will] drive the investments we need to double-down on our clean energy goals & accelerate progress toward our net-zero emissions future.” As if to underscore Joe’s stubbornness in always having been right, the WH also promised to “maintain its regulatory environment”, i.e., mandate the immediate (NOT FUTURE) conversion to “clean energy” no matter the cost to business or consumers.

It’s Joe at his best in double down double talk. His “cake and eat it too” mantra, the WSJ concluded, is “magical thinking.” The US does NOT have enough needed natural gas to export immediately to Europe to get the job done, the WSJ noted, although with proper planning it could, and should, do so by 2030 as Pres. Trump had envisioned, i.e., without the woke Swamp’s regulations gumming it up and driving the fossil fuel industry into early retirement … or oblivion. But, dag nab it, Joe knows [build back] better, don’t he?

Davd Soul


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