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Biden’s Medicare & FDA vs Promising Alzheimer Drug

Big Brother progressives never saw a Little Brother they didn’t want to control from cradle to grave as the WSJ suggests in its “Alzheimer’s Death Panel,” which wants to pick the winners & losers in the latest drug believed to help fight elders’ most dreaded ending.

Maybe the cost of new drug development, even in life saving scenarios, has gotten so large that SOMEBODY sometimes has to make the call … investors, drug companies, Uncle Sam, all of the above … yet, having a government bureaucrat alone (or in the end) decide for the devastated Alzheimer individual and family smacks of “politics”, at least, so suggests the WSJ’s editorial board. The latest and real reason they say Medicare’s MSM has announced it’s “unprecedented” decision to restrict payment for a promising Alzheimer treatment by Biogen called “Aduhelm” is “the public health left” & Biden’s FDA, which has been lobbied (and convinced) to require two or more years of tests before approving it.

Never mind that “a randomized controlled trial showed a high-dose of the treatment removed 71% of the plaque buildup after 18 months and significantly slowed disease progression as rated by patient care-givers & doctors. Another trial also showed amyloid clearance but failed to demonstrate a significant impact on disease progression.” As the WSJ conceded, Biogen “made a mistake by halting both trials early.” But, what does Joe Biden & the folks at Medicare have to say for the desperate families who don’t have two more years to wait for a promising real chance right now to hope for a better tomorrow?

Davd Soul


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