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Biden’s New World Order A Bust Or Brilliant Suicide?

President Biden’s hailing his “New World Order” should be redubbed “2.0” or “How My Globalization Delusions Nuked the US Economy Under Previous POTUSes & Is Doing So Again.” Wordy, maybe. But, more accurate argues Fox’s Jesse Watters & Joe's own words about the futility of sanctions ....

As Mr. Biden said Tuesday: “We’ve worked together on the American Rescue Plan, on COVID, on infrastructure supply, change, innovation, climate, clean energy, reducing cost & a whole lot more. Our strategy has worked…& it’s still working.” But, then, the next day he also said "sanctions never deter," AND "he never said they do." even tho something called "recordings" say he did. BTW: What exactly are the purpose of "sanctions" then, Joe? Inflict inevitable pain on US?

Countered the Fox pundit before Mr. Biden went candid & forgetful at the same time: “The strategy is still working? No, it’s not. Working-class Americans are feeling a lot of pain right now. The country is on the brink of stagflation. Inflation is at a 30-yr high & gas prices are a record [level]. If that’s going according to plan, can’t imagine what it [would] look like if it wasn’t, but Joe thinks he can rework the whole world. Sure. It wouldn’t be the first time he tried. Remember back in the early ‘90s when the Soviet Union collapsed? Bush, 41, said the new world order was an opportunity … Well, sadly, Bush lost & Clinton, Wall Street, and stupid senators like Joe Biden shaped the new world order … [that] … ended up just being massive globalization, putting other countries first and America last, pushing deals like NATO and NAFTA, where we opened our borders, shipped our jobs down south to Mexico and empowered the cartels that are funneling drugs into our neighborhoods, and China can thank for their giant leap forward.” Then, came Joe's guarantee of "food shortages" and that "sanctions never deter." Yo, Jesse: What if Mr. Biden brilliantly wanted exactly all THAT to happen?

Davd Soul


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